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Just a few items for the week

Just a few items for the week  

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Author: Old Guy   Date: 12/15/2022 12:05:33 PM  +5/-4  

Retail sales are down.

Trump still not charged for anything.

Manufacturing is production is down.

Unemplyment in Blue states 33% higher than red states.

Stock market is down for the week.

Border is in full blown crisis.

Twitter realizes show just how anti constitution the left is.

Some questions for you usefull idiots.

How did Biden's nuke guru get a security clearance?

Why are we going to send 8 billion to South Africa to help clean up their coal fired plants?

How can you post about inflation going down when it only went down .1%.  that was just retail, wholesale inflation went up to 7.4%?

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Just a few items for the week +5/-4 Old Guy 12/15/2022 12:05:33 PM