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Get some therapy, yes you should because you're delusional sir

Get some therapy, yes you should because you're delusional sir  

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Author: Citizens for sanity   Date: 12/10/2022 9:38:31 AM  +1/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I'm sure you are well awars that this country pretty much dictates what the rest of the world is feeling. I understand that you conveniently forget this basic concept because it only makes your choices look.............well..... not so smart.

It's ok, you can admit you were wrong. Nobody on this forum has heard it before but I think now would be a perfect time to start a new trend.

All your examples below are completely misrepresented.

Stock market recovering, huh? What country are you living in. Check your 401K lately. I have and I'm still down 22%. Does that sound like a recovery to you?

Unemployment is the biggest lie there is. People aren't lookinig anymore, do you get that? Biden has destroyed people's drive to work. Welfare is a great program, donchathink? His covid mandates destroyed many families and they can no longer find work.

Businesses are not coming back. Many are still shut down because NO ONE wants to work. Get it???

Inflation cooling off, you are off the chain my friend. It was 1.8% when ding dong took over. It's currently around 9%. So you're happy that it's cooling off from 10%.Wow, that's fantastic

So tell me how your therapy goes because what you're doing isn't working. I truly am concerned

Oh, and btw, demand for gas may be going down but it's only because people would rather feed their children than travel. You know, because the inflation has softened :)

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Gas Prices cheaper now than they were a year ago +3/-2 bladeslap 12/8/2022 8:53:02 AM