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Here's a question for everyone

Here's a question for everyone  

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Author: Citizens for sanity   Date: 12/9/2022 11:59:30 AM  +2/-3  

Do you think AOC is a hypocrit???

And I'm sure you all know why I'm asking. As we've all seen her latest antics.

She is known as the green queen. Her first hypocritical stance.

She is also known for her involvement with the gang of anti-American friends shall we say.

Friends that sympathize with terrorists.

Friends that marry their brother.

Friends that support a socialistic agenda.............just to name a few.

So now she shows up at a gala sporting a dress that must have cost thousands of dollars while sitting down to enjoy a $35,000/ plate dinner. The best part is what was written on her dress. It said," TAX THE RICH".

Come on now, you've got to admit that has to be the funniest thing you've seen all year, right?

I mean the hypocrisy was oozing out from under that dress.

Can you imagine criticizing wealthy people while attending a $35,0000 a plate gala wearing a dress that must have cost thousands of dollars.

So I must ask again. Do you think AOC is a hypocrit?

Yes or No will be fine for those who have a difficult time with simplicity.

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Here's a question for everyone +2/-3 Citizens for sanity 12/9/2022 11:59:30 AM