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They same the same for Trump ...

They same the same for Trump ...  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 11/10/2022 5:28:37 PM  +4/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

No one is enthused about either - 

The second Election night was over, Trump was polling like crazy all over the place "Should I run for a second term" - I posted it on here ... He's desperate because the entire Republican party is scared to say to him "GTFO of our party" - He's a cancer... 

Old guy, I'll say it again, Trump is a cancer and I also woud like somoene other than Biden to Run. He's not a cancer like Trump, but we need new fresh blood

I've said it before and I'll say it again - Wish John Kasich were running again. He's a moderate with his head on and he knows how to balance a budget

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Question for you useful idiots +1/-4 Old Guy 11/10/2022 4:31:30 PM