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The prosecution of “Jerry”

The prosecution of “Jerry”  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 10/16/2022 9:05:16 PM  +6/-5  

You Libz are sooo  obsessed about Trump

but you seem to forget there are prosecutions happening every day that don't affect our lives.

Even if everything you say was true.  Buddha,

What happens to Trump, it doesn't affect your life, or mine.

But that's  all you can talk about -/ which is fine by me.

It makes you look like the brainwashed lib you are -


Pleeeese dont  try to say Trumps classified docs are a "National Security risk"

first of all you haven't disclosed the nature of those documents 

and no investigation as to their missuse or disposition. 

Just the usual " Jan 6 " propaganda posing as Newz 


China Joe is a walking,  talking,  "Manchurian Candidate"

The Biden Crime family 


You obviously don't seem to realize more often than not, 

"classification" is more often about  maintaining "plausible deniability"

than protecting --legitimate--national security interests and assets

--politicians throw such people and things under the bus at will, and with impunity 

Remember Valery Plame? 

But I digress. 

Meet " Jerry" --a run of the mill street criminal wearing a "hoodie" 

who accidentally stole more jewelry outta a NYC jewelry store

than the non-prosecutable value  ($500 ) in that city,  for theft

(NYC criminals dont affect my life or yours either, Buddha.)

You won't see me following Jerry's arrest and 5 hour stay in the local jail

Or see me commenting on the bail money some leftist Hollywood star ponied up

because "Black Lives Matter, " dontchaknow. 

Nope, it's just another silly distraction designed to piss normal people off

the owners of MSM do that -- dividing the country into groups --

profiting from the buzz that endues

and the lemming like behavior of those groups, politically speaking 


You silly Libz follow the Trump distraction. Like the sheeple you have always been- leftist "Alies"

You are all diriven to support the DNC..

because of n one or more "special interests" they promise you, 

like Jerry's " defund the police" 

and a bunch of perverts taking their kids to " Tranny Story Time"

( just an elaborate 'clown show' for the kids, am I right? 

So Keep up the "Trump bashing" coming, Buddha 

We know it's not about Trump.
You fear something else

What is it you fear? 
Your mindless support for DNC sponsored criminality 
makes you look like a completely brainwashed 

Useful Idiot! 

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The prosecution of “Jerry” +6/-5 Shooting Shark 10/16/2022 9:05:16 PM