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Tell me how I'm a 'neocon'?

Tell me how I'm a 'neocon'?   

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 9/9/2022 2:53:31 PM  +2/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Educate yourself, Crrowbot.
Excerpts rom the link
The father of Neoconservatism : Leo Strauss.

Straussian Philosophy

From the start of my awareness of his work it was quite clear to me that Strauss was philosophically enigmatic. It turned out he championed a way of doing philosophy that didn’t come right out with the sort of claims just anyone could understand. Or, putting it more precisely, he held that the most important philosophers didn’t speak simply, but were instead, deliberately duplicitous in what they said.

This idea is not itself all that mysterious. Many people familiar with Plato’s dialogues know of the idea of the ‘Noble Lie’. A somewhat reasonable version of this idea – as distinct from the plainly unreasonable one which requires governments to deceive the public – is that philosophers who are enmeshed in rather complicated and at times disturbing truths need to withhold what they know from the general public, and give support instead to various conventions people need in order to get on with their lives. For example, just suppose that it is evident, after the most painstaking philosophical consideration, that there is no God, or free will, or that the bulk of the laws in one’s country are bunk. This may not be something ready for public consumption – most ordinary men and women are too busy with their daily affairs to take time out to fully assimilate such disturbing discoveries. There is also the fact that in many societies the rulers’ rule is unjustified, but they obviously don’t wish it be broadcast that they lack legitimacy. In this case, for simple self-protection and safety, philosophers need to speak enigmatically.

( snip) 

....These perplexing views came to this: The philosopher is essentially embarking on a search which it is unreasonable to think one can ever complete. Just as Socrates is reported to have thought that the only thing he knows is that he knows nothing, the philosopher – the true one (if such a real philosopher can be found) – cannot honestly conclude anything for sure. No one can honestly absolutely know basic, fundamental truths. Not that relativism is coherent, of course. What is honest is to claim to know nothing. Some Straussians, like Scripps College philosophy professor Harry Neumann, actually became nihilists; Neumann arguing for it in his book Liberalism.

( Snip) 

....Neoconservatives had disdain for what they took to be the naiveté of the libertarian idea that government must be strictly limited to the protection of individual rights. They believed that many aspects of society needed leadership, so they supported the paternalist aspects of the much-more-than-minimal state.



....Neoconservatives hold the view that ‘American’ is the best bet for the world – America’s institutional set-up is a very useful combination of modern elements, having to do with the sovereignty of individuals together with the older idea of a substantial role for government – and that this is an idea that needs to be widely promulgated. Indeed, without its promulgation there can arise and persist major threats to the countries which do embrace this set up, such as the United States of America. In short, unless the semi-free democratic society is strong, and not only ready to defend itself but also willing to go on the offensive in support of its system abroad, it will perish. The neocon view is that either you’re willing to export liberal democracy or it will be crushed by all kinds of barbaric global groups.

( Snip) 


This conviction that humanity’s best bet is a semi-free society which vigorously promotes its institutions across the globe, is very likely the legacy Strauss left the neoconservatives. And it is probably what puts neocons on the side of George W. Bush’s variety of modern conservatism – the ‘compassionate’ statist type. An expression of this view has held sway in America since the Monroe Doctrine, reinforced by the likes of Teddy Roosevelt and then expanded in light of the recent annihilation of American functional borders throughout the globe by the administration of George W. Bush. As Bush put it in his 2005 Inaugural Address, “From the day of our founding, we have proclaimed that every man and woman on this earth has rights, and dignity, and matchless value, because they bear the image of the maker of heaven and earth.” Ergo? As Tom Wolfe put it, “It is America’s destiny and duty to bring that salvation to all mankind.” The main difference in this from the standard neoconservative vision is only that neoconservatives see religion in largely sociological terms; as distinct from the likes of Bush, who is, it seems, fully faith-based in his outlook. The former, as a rule, aren’t religious or faithful.

Strauss himself struggled with the problem of what to make of the two important traditions in the West; those of Athens and Jerusalem. He clearly preferred the thinking from Athens, but he could not deny the significance of the influence from and thus the importance of Jerusalem, namely Judeo-Christianity.



A Noble question:

"What hath Athens to do with Jerusalem?"-- Tertullian

Noble Lies:

"Im a conservative Republican. I believe in God and America"-- Crowbot.

(But  im really a pragmantic atheist, and a moral relativist... the TRUTH is what WORKS!)

I supported and promoted  GW Bush's vision of America 'saving' America and the World," . but  only to the exrtent it extended my party influence and its political power... I much prefer ATHENS to Jerusalem!  - RINO Dick CHENEY ...and his Jan 6th hearing RINO daughter. Liz.

A Noble Answer:

"Pontious Pilate-- ( Representing the  Power if the Roman State): 

"Dont you realize I have the power to order your death?

Jesus-- "You  have no power over me except that it were granted  to you from above. My kingdom is not of this world."   



And so you NEOCOs predictably run rough-shod over the truth and the  Powers granted to you by the Constitiution. There isnt a whiff of difference between you,  the far Left, and rhe Deep state. ( Including " being delebrerately duplicitous " in what you say to the public!

Useful Idiot!

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To crow +4/-2 Old Guy 9/7/2022 12:26:16 PM