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Jetsheep Sighting : NOLA

Jetsheep Sighting : NOLA  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 9/5/2022 9:28:23 AM  +6/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

"Lot's Wife" .. a rock formation near ancient Sodom on the coast of the Dead Sea. I meant 


and his cousin Lot

who was visited by destroying angels 

who had been ordered by God to wipe out New Orleans 

apparently the angels got stuck in a time warp

and ended up talking to Abraham, whose cousin Lot lived in New Orleans,

in the Year of Our Lord 2022.


And when the Angels arrived on Bourbon Street

the drunken "decadence parade " perverts wanted to have sex with the angels

Lot offered the crowd of perverts his virgin daughters instead 

which is pretty perverted in itself,

especially with all the monkey pox and AIDS,

but I digress.


And lo, the  Angels blinded the rioting homosexual mob

and took Lot, his virgin daughtersb,  and Lots wife outside the city of New Orleans 

and lo, a meteor fell from the heavens

and it wiped out the city of New Orleans, which burned in fire and brimstone. 

Creepy Joe said it was Trumps fault

that the destroying Angels  had " destroying outr democracy" 

Lot became a MAGA voter

But Lots wife, a disgusting RINO, turned back to view the city

and in so doing, The Lords curse fell upon her

She became a democrat, and was turned into a pillar of salt 

( seen in the picture below. )


moral of the story

Beware the Fires from Heaven, The Monkey Pox and AIDs

And do not call good evil, and evil good,

Lest ye be visited by Destroying Angels

and suffer the fate of Sodomites and other

Useful idiots!

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Jetsheep Sighting : NOLA +5/-2 Shooting Shark 9/5/2022 7:45:37 AM