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and you support the FBI & DOJ?

and you support the FBI & DOJ?  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 8/15/2022 9:01:03 AM  +3/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I'll support those political travesties when they do their job without corruption.


1. Comey, a corrupt political apparatchik 

2. The election was stolen, no serious investigation of Dem corruption.

3. Fake dossier-- Trump unjustly targeted for all to see.

4 Covid scam: Creepy Joe has no authority to mandate mask wearing or vaccinations 

5. Hillary never held accountable .. the list is too long to recite here.

Republicans winning -- Trump endorsements wanted. 
Libz are toast.

$1500 bucks Buddha-- put up or shut up! 

Useful idiot !!


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Brittney Griner is still drug free +4/-4 observer II 8/13/2022 7:53:15 AM