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Really the country is in a recession!

Really the country is in a recession!  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 8/4/2022 9:42:03 PM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

here are some observations:

1. When gas prices go up, you blame Biden. When they go down, it has nothing to do with biden

2. You are sore that Trump got decimated

3. Your ego still wont allow you to believe he got decimated

4. How much more evidence do you need that he lost? Why can you show no "EVIDENCE" that there was fraud...something that the courts agree with you on ... But, when a conservative group comes out  and debunks EVERY single claim, you still can't let go of the ego

5. Trump could have taken out the Taliban leader and did not becaue he's absolute abject moron - Reports are "He didn;t recognize the name, so he didnt want to take him out' - Ya, our fearless leader lol

6. Oh Biden has lots of wins ... First he removed the cancer from office. That was perhaps the biggest win of them all. He restored dignity to the office and we once again are respected around the world. Look at the Pew Research study on views towards america when Trump was in and how they returned to the high levels when biden took office

That's just a start - Infrastructure bill was something no other president was able to do in decades... 

But, old guy, with your delusions, nothing he does is good. You are a koolaid drinking Trump supporter, so there's no logic and reasoning with you...

You write with anger and angst and you refuse to admit you were wrong (like teh election was stolen...which has been proven tima and time again that it was not)

Oh, and for you info, the lawyers who were touting the "false election claims" were disbarred or sanctioned. You think the american bar association is also wrong? 

Grow up and get your head out of the sand.

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Things are starting to look up again (much to the chagrin of Old guy) +3/-0 bladeslap 8/4/2022 6:06:09 PM