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Three words budha.....NINE......EIGHT.....EIGHT

Three words budha.....NINE......EIGHT.....EIGHT  

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Author: observer II   Date: 7/17/2022 9:31:40 AM  +1/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

They even created a help line for liberal mental illness.

An illness you libs created through your unconstitutional mandates and scare tactics. 

All in the name of power and control

You libs cry about gun laws but completely ignore the rising teen suicide rate this country faces.

Mental illness breeds mental illness among the weak. And the weak are brainwashed libs for the most part.

So you cab blame your own kind for the problems this country is now facing.

And your pipedream about Trump getting convicted of anything is just that, a pipedream.

So why not take sharks bet budha. Because you know a biden will see a concrete cell long before Trump :)


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A living museum of Lib mental illness +3/-4 Shooting Shark 7/16/2022 11:17:55 PM