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A living museum of Lib mental illness

A living museum of Lib mental illness  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 7/16/2022 11:17:55 PM  +3/-4  

Its amazing how well propaganda has brainwashed you oibz

( especially you Buddha)

you haven't accepted my bet:

$1000 says Trump will not be convicted of anything you're all excitedcc Vax about.

Your Jan 6th hearings are a joke.

"Witnesses" arrested and held,

who faced ridiculous consequences for simply being near the Capitol building videotaping 

called to testify - No cross examination--

Grand ( Lib) Inquisitor: 

"Do you still believe in Trumps  big lie?"

Former 'oath keepers' member (on the stand) : 

"Oh no, sir !

I have seen the light!

(I've seen what happens to people like me

when they are targeted by the left!")

 " Ive lost my job, home, wife,

and I'm facing utter financial ruin

and criminal charges. "

"Ive seen the light!"

("Please tell me what to say to make this nightmare go away!")

What a reliable witness'!!

The Jan 6th 'commission' ought to be charged with 

suborning perjury! 

(what a Soviet-style kangaroo court! )

Alexander Solzhenitsyn is today rolling over in his grave!




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A living museum of Lib mental illness +3/-4 Shooting Shark 7/16/2022 11:17:55 PM