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10 year old abortion

10 year old abortion   

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 7/12/2022 4:30:36 PM  +3/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

The big story about the 10 year old that was rapped and had to go to a different state to obtain a abortion, turns out to be a lie.

It's a single-source uncorroborated story. That does not make it "a lie".  Prove that it was an intentional statement intended to deceive- that would make it a lie.


Dozens of Snopes readers searched our site or contacted us wondering whether that had actually happened. To find out, we reached out to Dr. Caitlin Bernard, an obstetrician-gynecologist based in Indianapolis and who spoke to The Columbus Dispatch, about the headline-generating story. As of this writing, Bernard had not returned our request for an interview, and we had not been able to independently corroborate the abortion claim. If we receive additional information, will update this post.

Speaking to the Ohio newspaper, Bernard said she was contacted by a colleague in Ohio, a doctor who treats child-abuse victims, for help three days after the high court’s Roe decision. The doctor told Bernard, according to her retelling, that a 10-year-old patient was six weeks pregnant, needed an abortion, and was unable to terminate the pregnancy in Ohio due to the state’s post-Roe law.

According to the Dispatch, the child was able to travel to Indiana, and Bernard carried out the procedure under the state’s laws on abortion at the time.



Biden and the news jumped all over this story, WHY?

For the same reason Trump claimed to see Middle Easterners celebrating 9/11 on a roof top.


It does "NO GOOD" to make up stories to support your issues.  Or maybe you should take a look before you get on the bandwagon.  Because the bandwagon you are on is going down hill.

Yeah, "... the bandwagon you are on is going down hill." Trump, the incumbent POTUS lost 46.9% to 51.3% of the popular vote. To Joe Biden. Sounds like the "bandwagon" rolled right over the Trumpcamp.

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10 year old abortion +4/-3 Old Guy 7/12/2022 12:42:38 PM