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Newsflash..................Reallocating is defunding.

Newsflash..................Reallocating is defunding.  

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Author: observer II   Date: 7/7/2022 4:40:56 PM  +4/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Reallocating is the same thing as defunding .

If you want law enforcement to have additional training. You find the funds, but you never cut the budget when it directly impacts the very people keeping you safe.

Taking money from law enforcement pockets to fund your stupid sensitivity and race training is the most ignorant idea this country has ever seen.

How about providing additional training to the very people that DO NOT cooperate, or even act like a human being when they are in front of law enforcement.

Every single case of police shootings is the result of a confrontation with law enforcement. Every time without fail.

Spend your time trying to change the stereotype these people have created for themselves. You libs have created an environment that provides these thugs with a free pass to commit crimes.

Hey crofraud, who is it that bails these BLM/ANTIFA thugs out of jail everytime they commit a crime????


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Can these liberals be any more hypocritical??? +4/-3 observer II 7/7/2022 3:07:18 PM