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Exactly Old Guy

Exactly Old Guy  

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Author: observer II   Date: 6/8/2022 1:52:39 PM  +0/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Moderator has been drinking way too much koolaide.

Biden is the punchline around the world.

Mod doesn't understand that Russia planned to invade Ukraine the minute creepy joe was appointed president.

The world witnessed first hand the complete incompetence of this idiot in office when he withdrew from Afghanistan leaving billions of dollars in American assets on the ground for our enemies to confiscate along with the death of 13 soldiers and countless civilians. All because he is an incompetent bafoon.

Ask moderator if he would vote for this court jester again????

I'm laughing my ass off just thinking about it.

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As I watch the DOW drop! +2/-3 Old Guy 6/8/2022 10:22:25 AM