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I believe much of that is taken out of context

I believe much of that is taken out of context   

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Author: Old Guy   Date: 5/17/2022 2:14:15 AM  +0/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I know exactly what Barr said and you should read your post one more time.

In your post, Barr said Trump was disturbed, detached from reality.  And that Trump lost the election.

No place in your post does Barr say the election was not stolen.  Barr has made a statements that he had not seen sufficient fraud to over turn the election.  He has made statements that the mail in ballots and collection boxes make him concerned.  He also has said he would VOTE FOR TRUMP AGAIN!

In you post you claim you have showed me what BARR has said, you better read your post again because he does not say,


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This is how Old guy operates... +3/-1 bladeslap 5/16/2022 9:40:08 PM