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Mark Esper about Trump

Mark Esper about Trump  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 5/11/2022 12:35:58 PM  +2/-0  

Former Secretary of Defense Mark Esper was asked a very simple question by Fox's Bret Baier on Monday: "Do you think Donald Trump was a threat to democracy?"

Here's what Esper said in response:
"I think that given the events of January 6, given how he has undermined the election results, he incited people to come to DC, stirred them up that morning and failed to call them off, to me, that threatens our democracy. ... I think the answer would -- what else can you conclude, Bret?"
Sit with that for a minute.
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Mark Esper about Trump +2/-0 bladeslap 5/11/2022 12:35:58 PM