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And here comes the labeling once again

And here comes the labeling once again  

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Author: observer II   Date: 4/18/2022 9:06:30 AM  +2/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window


Americans want a president that puts America first.

Biden has not done one single thing that has improved anything. This is not debatable.

Even you can see the difference in the cost of living. Inflation is through the roof.

Now, I hope you aren't one of those people that believe Jen Psaki when she claims Putin is the cause of it all. Because any one with a brain knows what a blatant lie that is.

Do you enjoy paying $5/gal?

Do you enjoy paying those high energy bills, grocery bills, building supply costs.............

You really can't defend that idiot biden when your bank accounts are dwindling because of someone in office that doesn't seem to care about the people he serves. Supposely serves?????

What are your thought on eliminating article 42?? Do you think this is good?

And how about biden flying illegals all over our country in the middle of the night, paying for their travels, paying for their room & board, providing welfare for them. All on American taxpayers dime.

Do you think this is good?

And keep in mind, we have thousands of veterans that can't get healthcare, that are homeless and living on the streets dying. Yet we spend billions on people tht DO NOT belong here.

If you are truly a vet, this should piss you off

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Pooty, how can you believe the world is flat since you're a pilot??? (NT) +2/-1 bladeslap 4/16/2022 1:12:42 AM