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Trump, an acknowledged and self serving told you so?

Trump, an acknowledged and self serving told you so?  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 4/16/2022 4:52:40 PM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Trump, an acknowledged and self serving told you so? 

Y'all operate on the assumption of Trump's virtue, honesty and patriotism? Those qualities are minimal to disinterested evaluation. Only people who want a 'strongman' in an autocratic Oval Office desire that. 

Therere is no evidence of election fraud anywhere, period. The Donald fbricated the issue to do exactly what you are doing- manipulate his base to express lack of faith in the American election process and to avoid being a loser.

I once had a friend I, we, called Droodles. He appeared innocuos, even harmless medium height stocky young man. Those who chllenged him at caual venues went down quick and surprised. He had been a fleet champion boxer. Trump has picked on the wrong oppoment with his lies and excuses. America is a world champion when it comes to democratic elections.

Trump is a loser who made Joe Biden electable. He lost the popular vote in 2016 to Hillary by 2.1%, her 48.2% to his 46.1%. But he was smart enough to win the Electoral Collegeby 14,5%

The 2020 election was a complete flip with Biden winning 51.3% of the popular vote to  Trump's slightly improved 46.9%; and Biden winning 56.9% of the Electoral College to Trump's weenie 43.1% Electoral College count.

No matter how a rational person views the result, Trump was, is and always will be a loser.

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Old guy, Where is your evidence of Fraud? +2/-0 bladeslap 4/16/2022 1:04:19 AM