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Author: observer II   Date: 4/15/2022 8:53:06 AM  +1/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Ah yes, hypocrisy is alive and well with the liberal party.

It amuses me how easily you can be manipulated by people hell bent on destroying our democracy and our constitution.

You liberalsa say Jan 6th was the end of democracy. I laugh...........out loud. You also claim it is comparable to  9/11 and pearl harbor. How dare you!

Jan 6th was an unscheduled tour with the only violence coming from the cop that shot an unarmed white girl in the back. Your dead cop died of a heart attack, not a fire extinguisher like you all said.

That's only one of many examples

You really want to talk about manipulation???????????

Look in the mirror. houses

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Creepy Joe, talking tough. Useful Idiot! +4/-3 Shooting Shark 4/11/2022 2:56:02 PM