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No surprise there, Pooty. TrumpeRINOs display a remarkable detachment from

No surprise there, Pooty. TrumpeRINOs display a remarkable detachment from   

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 4/14/2022 2:30:18 PM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

No surprise there, Pooty. TrumpeRINOs display a remarkable detachment from reality.

And I know people who are 'flat Earthers'. Most are not very intelligent but cynical. One told me that world histroy was fiction, he couldn't beieve the Earth was more than a couple hundred, maybe low 'several' years old.

And most are Trumpers. Anybody in power who talks loud and often, reassuring them, is believed. In spite of the fact that, like you, they believe politics is ruled by- whatcha call it? Corrupt, cynical operators very like the QAnon shyte. Trump is an expert salesman- his product does not have flaws, mistakes or failures. Those assertions are 'fake news'. He is perfect!

Y'all see any similarites between various autocracies? How about the Third Reich? Not comparing Trump to Hitler, but the the assertions are strikingly familiar: nationalism, Trummp's being the single and sole person who can rectify the nation's degeneracy. Save us from being polluted by lesser peoples, like "Messikans'. Yeah, you'll say 'border control' but it's the same thing.

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Still Think It Was A Joke Old Dude? +2/-1 Jett 4/13/2022 10:54:18 AM