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You can't make this stuff up even if you try

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 4/14/2022 11:43:26 AM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Old Guy was right! 

-- Team Projection -- was actually the one with the voter fraud. His own Chief of staff 

Old guy, you're right - If the chief of staff was implicated in voter fraud, it just 'trickles down' from there

Trump did his darndest to fraudulently try to win the election. There's stuff we'll probably never even know... 

Trump will lie cheat and steal to win, yet he'll accuse the others of doing it first so that they can't turn around and accuse him of what he actually did.

FLipper does the same thing on here. Blame someone else of something he's guilty of

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I Stand Corrected, You Guys May Be Right About Election Fraud... +3/-0 Jett 4/13/2022 7:00:05 PM