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I Stand Corrected, You Guys May Be Right About Election Fraud...

I Stand Corrected, You Guys May Be Right About Election Fraud...  

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Author: Jett   Date: 4/13/2022 7:00:05 PM  +3/-0  

Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows is removed from voter roll in North Carolina and investigated for ELECTION FRAUD for registering to vote from mobile home he never owned or lived in

  • Meadows was kicked off the North Carolina roll after it was found he was registered to vote in both North Carolina and Virginia
  • A few months ahead of the 2020 election, Meadows and his wife both registered to vote at the address of a mobile home in Scaly Mountain, N.C.
  • According to the owner Meadows' wife Debbie had stayed there maybe one or two nights and Meadows himself never had
  • Debbie rented the house out for a total of two months over the past couple years


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I Stand Corrected, You Guys May Be Right About Election Fraud... +3/-0 Jett 4/13/2022 7:00:05 PM