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Author: Old Guy   Date: 4/8/2022 1:05:58 PM  +2/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

It is not safe to walk around New York and the AG is spending her time on the valuation of real property on financial statements.  Soooo happy whey don't work for me!

It has already been decided by federal prosecutors that there is insufficient evidence to proceed!  But you would rather see them chase after Trump for years to come, than spend time and effort to make the city safe.

I have covered the concept of real property evaluations before, it is a educated guess.  Trump could have been high on some, low on others, who cares, it is just a educated guess!  Bank real property loans require a professional appraisal.   NO Bank made a loan on fraudulent data, No bank has filed charges, No Bank has lost money!  Fact is 2 weeks ago they loaned Trump 40 million more dollars.  Not something that Banks do if the person they deal with is a fraud.  Trump is NO fraud.

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Criminal Probe into Trump VERY MUCH still active +3/-0 bladeslap 4/7/2022 4:28:37 PM