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SURE, I am sore!

SURE, I am sore!  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 3/13/2022 11:15:37 AM  +1/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

All you post is hatred for Biden. It's because of hte mind games Trump played with you.

He was teh single most unqualified human being to be in office. I wouldn't trust him with a hot dog stand let-alone the country.

His sheep, like you, only know how to praise him and bash anything not-trump. That's why I bring it up. 

You can't fathom the disaster that Trump actually created. That he should have been removed from office after the Ukraine scandal, but sheep like you refuse to look at the truth. When Llamar Alexander, a hardcore right wing about to retired said that the Democrats proved their case and that Trump did hold up aide, you just gloss over that.

You can't be helped Old guy, you're so lost and so bitter and full of hatred, that you are unable to see reality.

You blame biden for the gas prices because that's all your mind is capable of doing. Nearly every expert in the world has said time and time again that Biden is not to blame, yet your little mind ignores that.

You're not capable of rational thinking. Your mind is full of hatred and skewed views. That's all there is to it. 

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Biden, “ I created one billion new jobs!” +2/-1 Old Guy 3/12/2022 1:13:26 PM