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The problem is we shouldn't have to baby sit a president

The problem is we shouldn't have to baby sit a president  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 3/10/2022 11:16:23 AM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

People had to baby-sit #45 and make sure he didn't do any damage. It was a disgrace, both domsetially and internationally. So many people in his administration stated he was wholey unqualified to be the president.

President Donald Trump is “mentally unfit” to be president, Rob Reiner told Variety at the Dubai International Film Festival. But the director fears that the American press is failing to hold the Trump administration accountable for its actions.

“Donald Trump is the single most unqualified human being to ever assume the presidency of the United States. He is mentally unfit. Not only does he not understand how government works, he has no interest in trying to find out how it works,” Reiner said, when asked to compare Trump with President Lyndon B. Johnson, who was the subject of his biopic “LBJ.”


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Thank God Trump Isn’t President Right Now +2/-0 TheCrow 3/10/2022 10:18:03 AM