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What a joke

What a joke  

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Author: Old Guy   Date: 3/9/2022 2:00:57 PM  +1/-2  

So after 5 years of you posting about crime after crime Trump has done.  You can't come up whit ONE thing he did illegally.  NOT ONE !!!!

1. You list a kangaroo impeachment's that were not supported by anyone but biased politicians.

2.  You list about about a charity, That was settled out of court, WHY!  Not sufficient evidence to proceed!

3.  You list about a  his school, not guilty there either.  Settled out of court!  Does not make a person guilty.

The rest of the cases are dead, attorneys have quit.

Bladeslap, I gave you a chance to show you know what crimes you have been posting about for over 5 years, and this is what you come up with, WHAT A JOKE!

Now let me post just how misguided you are.  Today people are dying because of Biden, we are close to a world wide war.  Russian experts call Biden admin Dumb as a "Old Siberian shoe"  Biden's display of weakness thru his words and actions has emboldened Russia to attack Ukraine.  Now how much longer does it take China to attack.  Biden has become the worlds most complete failure, the world is at risk of total disaster.

But, for some reason you consider Trump the issue, post after post, lie after lie.  You posts about crimes, but can't name one!  I personally would love to have a few mean treats, then question if we will get nuked Because of stupid leadership!



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What a joke +1/-2 Old Guy 3/9/2022 2:00:57 PM