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Trumps lawyer just said the investigation was over, no charges!

Trumps lawyer just said the investigation was over, no charges!  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 2/24/2022 8:56:29 AM  +0/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

"Trumps lawyer just said the investigation was over, no charges!"

Isn't that exactly why one hires attorneys? To deny guilt and defend a client if brought to court?

If there's anything Trump is good at, it's paying lawyers to do... whatever.


"Lawyers for the New York District are quitting, case must be done!"

Or they're moving on to better jobs?

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Bladeslap, let’s break this down to the basics +2/-0 Old Guy 2/23/2022 6:47:05 PM