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If these people have nothing to hide, why are they so scared...?

If these people have nothing to hide, why are they so scared...?  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 1/14/2022 10:02:49 AM  +1/-0  

Why are they so scared to release communications from the January 6 ATTACK?

Old guy's excuse "It's not a legitimate committee" is complete horse-sh**

They followed all the procedures for creating the committee. The speaker of the house is the one who puts the members on the committee. She does not have to allow the moniority leader to pick who he wants...because for one, he was involved in the insurrection. Why put the very person who refuses to cooperate as the one who chooses who is on teh committee.

Think about it. Jim Jordan? McCarthy? They cannot be trusted nor be put on the committee - So, put other republicans on

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If these people have nothing to hide, why are they so scared...? +1/-0 bladeslap 1/14/2022 10:02:49 AM