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Author: Old Guy   Date: 1/5/2022 7:40:36 PM  +1/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I do like this new ifea of posting real information, I had no idea Shark you were up on the money market.  You are right, this world turns around on the US Dollar.  If you live in Bangladeshi someone will need a stack of US Dollars to buy kerosene for you to cook your fish.  The US oil production fell by two million barrels a day, and oil markets are global with the falling of our production there had to be a increase in production someplace else.  I am pretty sure OPEC said "Let's go Brandon".  So of course inflation affected the world, other factors have caused that effect to vary.  In the US there are other reasons the inflation rates is increasing and all those issues come from Biden (or who really runs this place).

Shark great post.

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Inflation +1/-1 Shooting Shark 1/5/2022 5:15:39 PM