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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 1/5/2022 5:15:39 PM  +1/-1  

From below, Buddha scolded SOII--

"I have news for you - Economists have largely said that the reopeining of an economy causes inflation. This is a world-wide thing; not a Biden thing. 

If you want to get any traction here, please show some proof that his policies have created gas prices to go up so much (they have been coming down). Also, that his policies somehow affected gas prices world-wide."


have you ever noticed that economists have biases too?  Have you noticed that economics is not a monolithic thing, macro vs micro? It's hardly a "science" and unlike empiracle science itself the facts aren't always scubject to scrutiny-- human factors, the stupidity of greed and predctability of it, the power to inform or disinformation, depending on your agenda-- billionaires posture a philanthropists for this reason, while historically ( and presently) funding eugenics. 

the structure of the worlds economic system today should be informative to you, but it doesn't appear to be-- let's review:

The US dollar is the worlds reserve currency. We have a oil cartel in OPEC which we created. By controlling energy we give value to our fiat currency.. a currency printed by private institution ( Federal Reserve) in the name of the US government. The private owners of the Federal Reserve are literally the king makers of American politics, and defectors rulers of the financial world globally.

The dollar is backed by oil because to purchase a gallon from OPEC you need a dollar -- other countries hold dollars in reserve to purchase oil from opec-- and the Saudis lead that cartel. We buy their oil, they buy our bonds, we pay interest on those bonds forever. Sometimes the FED decides to "buy" these bonds ( open market committee) which are "paid for by printed dollars.. this is a cause of inflation, but a minor one compared to printing trillions as Biden and the Democrats have recently done in the name of COVID 

the other currencies in the free world derive their value in exchange for US Dollars. So when we devalue the dollar by printing money, they need to devalue theirs too, or their exports become too expensive and their national economies are threatened.

"Biden's" attack on the economic world is two fold, he cut off oil supplies from Canada and Fracking, which under Trump made crude oil cheap. By limiting supply the price went up, causing a price spike in commodities and global production. At the same time he has printed TRILLIONS in the name of COVID, while pursuing policies that don't begin to stop the actual pandemic -- it's far more profitable to do otherwise,

Now you can consider the debt cannot be produced away, it's necessary to inflate it away. the so called "Great reset" the billionaires in DAVOS ( WEC) called it, // Brandon soon started mouthing that slogan too in his speeches- and "build back better".  what you don't seem to realize is, Biden hasn't got an original thought in his head, and his handlers do what they are told to do.

He i( they) aren't trying to cure COVID~ quite the contrary, they have created a crisis, and are exploiting it globally.

And so your observation that inflation is global, while factual, is not illustrative of its causes. The president of the United States has the ultimate responsibility for global inflation, when he fails to lead, fails to protect this country, and does the bidding of people who pull his strings at our expense.

Infaktion Buddha,

you voted for it.


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Inflation +1/-1 Shooting Shark 1/5/2022 5:15:39 PM