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Author: bladeslap   Date: 1/4/2022 9:29:53 AM  +1/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

You're free to come and go as you please as well as hold the opinions that you do. I know you have your convictions, but I also have mine; and they're at least as strong as yours.

We don't have to debate the psychology and behavior behind anger, labels, and projection.

It takes more energy and time to skillfully debate and think through a persuasive argument than just mud-slinging and character assassination.

Saying "you are lost" and "it's all your fault you voted for it"...We know you are aligned with a certain political philosophy and ideology. Those statements are like empty calories. You know we don't agree with you, but perhaps we can discuss certain points and support them with facts or what we believe substantiates our argument.

Mud-slinging opposition points and sarcasm do nothing but feed egos and accentuate anger and resentment. No more on here. I'm done with it and most people on here are as well.

You've added quite a bit on here over the years and I hope you stay so we can share each other's views, devoid of an injection of our egos...

I still remember the petro-dollar discussion you started a while back ... It was a good one.


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Shooty, your post was hidden +1/-0 bladeslap 1/4/2022 8:10:12 AM