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It's yet another indication of the quality of people involved...

It's yet another indication of the quality of people involved...  

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Author: Jett   Date: 12/21/2021 11:35:29 AM  +3/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

We see and hear these people who were booing, the people who stormed our Capitol on Jan 6, the people at the rallies, the people still clinging to the Big Lie.

And they all lead you to the same conclusion, these aren't our best and brightest folks.

Many are just like our Old Dude, Flipper, and Obsy, they read and listen to the ridiculous conspiracy theories and just parrot what others like them say. I mean let's face it, people stupid enough to believe in QAnon probably don't have the mental capacity to understand vaccines... 




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Supporters of Donald Trump booed when the former president revealed that he +3/-0 bladeslap 12/21/2021 10:28:05 AM