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Author: bladeslap   Date: 12/20/2021 2:48:19 PM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Explain in that message where there is "Hatred" ... Let's see if you even understand what that is.

I think this is your wounded ego and inability to look honesty at yourself.

You are the personification of Hatred, in every message.

When I told you that I feel hatred from you nonstop, then you turn around and take off with that accusing everybody else of that. 

You're very predictable.

With the way that you talk about anybody who does not like Trump, you use vile words, you describe them in a the most hateful dispicable manner possible. That is pure hatred.

It's one of the reasons I had to ask you to take a breather many months back. I was tired of seeing your hatred spewed all over, the way you talk about Biden.

Obsy, whether you like it or not, you spew hatred on this forum left and right. 

Me not agreeing with Fox is Not Hatred. That's your defense mechanisms kicking in and not admitting to yourself what you have become and how you come off to people.

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Reliable information! +1/-3 Old Guy 12/20/2021 12:14:30 PM