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Author: bladeslap   Date: 12/20/2021 1:01:51 PM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

A lot of us are tired of both you and obsy making assertions without backing them up. 

You could be just pulling things out of your read ...

Two major issues with your statement

1) You are the one who said you don't believe polls...but now it's convenient for you to? 

2) A poll about honesty? That's like polling people to ask them whether they think they're smart. Over 70% of the population believe they are above average intelligence

A poll is not going to determine if a news agency is honest

How many reporters left fox news because of their dishonesty?

Fact checkers have consistently stated that FOX news is among the least honest out there

So, you want to use your polls and I want to use fact checkers - I think my way is a bit more scientific. 

Some of you have even stated "Fox is the most popular and most watch news station" ... Does that somehow make them better?

The reversal of fortune was most apparent on Inauguration Day, where CNN was No. 1 among news competitors from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. EST with 7.7 million viewers, and Fox finished last among news networks with 2.2 million. (When Trump was inaugurated in 2017, Fox topped the rankings with 8.8 million, while CNN straggled in at No. 5 (2.6 million), ahead of only MSNBC.

How does the change the equation? CNN moved to the number one spot. Does that make them more "honest"? No, it doesn't....more people decided to watch them. 

But at the same time, things change at at instant:

In the key demo of adults 25-54—the demographic most valued by advertisers—Fox finished first with an average audience of 420,000 viewers. CNN was second (148,000 viewers) and MSNBC (140,000 viewers).

Overall, the cable news networks saw ratings drop significantly from the same month one year ago, as the coronavirus pandemic coincided with the presidential election, driving heavy viewership. CNN experienced the most dramatic decline, dropping 77 percent from one year ago in prime, followed by MSNBC (down 59 percent) and Fox News (down 35 percent).

So, if you're trying to make a point to make yourself feel better, I hope you made yourself better. You didnt' sway anybody on here, so morseo, trying to understand what your intent is, Old Guy?

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Reliable information! +1/-3 Old Guy 12/20/2021 12:14:30 PM