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You're a Crybaby who Refuses to be part of the Solution...

You're a Crybaby who Refuses to be part of the Solution...  

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Author: Jett   Date: 12/19/2021 7:05:43 PM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Therefore you're part of the problem. You're scared of the vaccines because you believe in conspiracy bull shit. What you should do is put your big-boy pants on and get your jab and encourage others to do the same. 

I've said on this forum before that this will end up with the Supremes, and because the court is stacked Extreme Right, they will eventually rule that most vaccine mandates can't be enforced.

So what? Hopefully the mandates will have caused many people to get vaccinated who otherwise would not have.

In the meantime we should take advantage of every opportunity we can to ostracize the Extreme Righties who are refusing to get vaccinated due to conspiracy nonsense. 

I can sympathize with the small number of people who truly have a problem with vaccines due to religious beliefs or real medical issues, but not Extreme Right Nut Jobs who are Conspiracy Freaks.     

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Here's a great covid question +0/-3 observer II 12/19/2021 11:00:47 AM