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Author: Old Guy   Date: 12/16/2021 11:39:48 AM  +0/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Those are opinion articles, the wrong opinion 

Because if they understood what was presented, they should have come to the conclusion that the facts show:

The whitehouse staff was concerned about the protest as the protest developed.  They texted each other with their concerns, even know they had little power over the event, but they wanted to try, requesting something to be tried.  Trump made the attempt and requested the protesters to go home.

Those are the facts!  Even by in your posts, those are the facts!

You are the one that has been posting incorrect misguided opinions.  Pay attention, History is being made right now, the democrats have not lost this much, since they lost their slaves!

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Old Guy, you are about as lost as it gets +2/-0 bladeslap 12/16/2021 11:16:08 AM