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Oh yes, I HAVE done my due diligience

Oh yes, I HAVE done my due diligience  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 12/15/2021 7:05:48 PM  +1/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

You just say things, attack, and don't bother to ask any questions without your emotions getting invovled.

I did a heck of a lot more research than you. Your argument "You didnt' do you due diligience" is about the craziest and most hilarious thing I've heard. You're making the argument that the absense of negative data makes it plausible that someone's hiding somethign? 

You can't prove a negative or the lack of existence of information if you can't find it. 

This is, again, about your ego. Sad...You are willing to compromise your health because of your ego. 

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I have to be tested weekly in order to keep my job. +1/-2 observer II 12/13/2021 12:58:02 PM