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Yes, you aren't doing your due diligence

Yes, you aren't doing your due diligence  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 12/15/2021 7:02:59 PM  +1/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Obsy, you are thinking with yoru emotions and unfortunatley some very flawwed logic.

Somewhere in that mind of yours, you believe because there aren't many negative articles, that must mean they are hiding something?

I cannot spend time trying to explain to you what a double bling placebo study is and how studies by multiple countries in the world are saying the SAME THING.

You want to believe what your political people say about the vaccine and you don't want anybody to tell you waht to do.

Yes, it's your body ... it's your mind. It's your decision. I shared that with you out of the goodness of my heart because I don't want to see you or others suffer. I was in emergency medical services for quite a few years both on the medical side then on the aviation side. My background in biomedical engineering (initially) and then FDA validation work helped me to sift through a lot of teh stuff you guys are reading. I don't look at the news, I read the scientific studies. You don't have to politisize every single thing that's out there.

Think long and hard about it - If you feel you have the qualifications to figure out what's really in your best interest based on what you read and listen to from your own media sources, go at it. I sure as heck would never want to get covid knowing what I know about many of the long-term effects. Good day 


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I have to be tested weekly in order to keep my job. +1/-2 observer II 12/13/2021 12:58:02 PM