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Oh, but I did, you're not paying attention...

Oh, but I did, you're not paying attention...  

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Author: Jett   Date: 12/15/2021 11:31:28 AM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

The second photograph I posted was your boy the white supremacist "Just Running from Libs" who ran down and murdered an innocent woman at Charlottesville when your people had their "Unite The Right" racist rally.

And if you don't call the first photo violence something's wrong with you. Oh wait a minute, that's already been established. 

What you're really trying to say is that violence perpetrated by Extreme Right Trailer Trash is completely acceptable, but violence by people of color is wrong. 

Which makes you...  

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So who's endorsing the Smash & Grab?? +0/-3 observer II 12/15/2021 9:35:21 AM