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You have totally missed the point,

You have totally missed the point,  

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Author: Old Guy   Date: 12/14/2021 8:02:11 AM  +1/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

First of all if you don't understand the issues currently on going with hi tech companies, social media and what the call main stream news, then you do not understand some of the major issues in this country. 

  The right is under censorship, has been for a while. Many Law suits have been filed and congress wants to pass bills that will change rules,  So far the left has not supported any legislation.

  Social medis censorors the right.  Have you ever hear such a thing as a past president NOT being able to use social media.  He is not the only one.  Again lots of law suits.

  Main stream new, is truly just the propaganda arm of the democrats. It all has become fake and/or the do not tell you many stories.  I do not understand why it is called main stream news, when it is not viewed by many people.

if you do not believe that the left controls much of the stuff listed above and use their resources to control the news then you are a fool.

Supporting a post with EVIDENCE:

you have to be kidding me, 99% of the links posted to try and prove something are just more opinions!

All you do is back your opinion with some other far leftists opinion!  Very little of it is real.  And those Post are normally never read.

I am not here to win points, I don't see a scoring system.  I know in my own mind when you are beaten, because you never reply back to the point posted about Or you never answer the questions.   Example; our last run around was about the end of the subprime loan crisis, you were wrong, called me names and did not reply with any post.  Happens a lot.





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Posting Data to support your argument: Old guy and Obsy +2/-0 bladeslap 12/13/2021 11:10:14 PM