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Author: Old Guy   Date: 12/13/2021 1:27:18 PM  +1/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

You got that right,

To find information for the right side can be difficult.  You can type in "Biden is a fool" and with most research engines you will come up with something bad about Trump.

Even the fact cheackers are out of line.  In the law suit against Facebook, Facebook has omitted in court that the fact checks are just "opinions ".  So if you reference a fact check in your post you are just referencing someone else's opinion.

But data is out there to find, good luck!

Posting back with Bladeslap you will find he replies, maybe once, but as soon as you post and prove him wrong he avoids the post, does not reply anymore.  And he will lie through out his post with NO verbage as to why he is correct, just he's correct you are then called a name.


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you know mod, I don't know if you intentionally deceive people here +1/-3 observer II 12/11/2021 5:43:48 PM