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Bladeslap did you forget?

Bladeslap did you forget?  

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Author: Old Guy   Date: 12/6/2021 11:57:14 AM  +2/-2  

Everything you post great about Obama shows his improvements in his last three years.  By that time the country was ready to get rid of him, republicans started to win all the elections. Obama's mid term was the biggest loss to democrats ever!  Did you forget the both the house and the Senate was finally control by the republicans.  He had NO control over what went on.  He did actually vetoed 10 bills the republicans passed, but republicans policies started to take effect.  By this time a majority of the states now had Republican governors, crap started to improve.  Much of his spending was cut, even had many government shutdowns, to get reductions in spending.  As confidence increased the economy improved, not because of Obama, he was held in check.  

You need to try and look at he big picture, not BS biased articles with dumb charts.  Anyway it is time to move on, Obama and Trump are not our presidents anymore, You have lost all and any debates  about Obama, time to lose them over Biden!

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Bladeslap did you forget? +2/-2 Old Guy 12/6/2021 11:57:14 AM