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"Really"? Yeah, really. Trump is a serial liar and autocrat in waiting. He

"Really"? Yeah, really. Trump is a serial liar and autocrat in waiting. He   

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 8/9/2021 2:07:17 PM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Yeah, really. Trump is a serial liar and autocrat in waiting. He lied thousands of time throughout his campaign (which is conventional) and his presidency. He signalled his intention to ignore the election results in h8s first campaign and subsequent, proposing that he would only respect his successful election.

He also publicly stated that he was 'owed' a term extension because of the media criticism. Unconstitutional as h3ll but frog boys ignored that.

To the issue at hand- 2020 was the most secure and credible election in history. As an example, no recount of ballots has substantially affected the results. Georgia has recounted and verified the results at least three times. None, repeat none indicated a Trump victory in a state that was hard red since the 90s.

Trump lost. Not as badly as polls predictef, which indicates Trump's popularity was underestimated as it was in 2016, but he lost. Add that he was a minority president in the 2016 election by 3 million popular votes and 2020 by 7 million. 

Investigations aren't fishing trips, esoecially election investigations. One starts with some evidence and substantiate it while looking for more crime. It wasn't there, excrpt for Trump's ambition, his feelings being injured.

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