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"correlation does not imply causation" If one can demonstrate an effect

"correlation does not imply causation" If one can demonstrate an effect   

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 1/14/2023 8:54:03 AM  +3/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

"correlation does not imply causation" 

'I found $20 on Thursday' means that I will gain $20 worth every Thursday? Nope.

And, yes- I have my boosters and I didn't wake up a young, fit, black pro-football player suffering a cardiac arrest. When there is a demonstrable scientific statistical correlation of the two events- vaccination and ensuing cardiac arrest, I'll be concerned. Until then, my decision would continue to be shaped by the 73% reduction in serious COVID infections and hospitalizations in the vaccinated population.

Perhaps I could buy a term life policy on your unvaccinated arse? That wouold make your Luddite attitude profitable... not for you, but for me.

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(No Subject) +4/-3 Shooting Shark 1/13/2023 12:53:39 AM