Question for you, Pooty: where does responsible public health practices stop?
Perhaps a pandemic should warrant government intervention?
Had Trump stepped up when he made the statement "We have it totally under control. It's one person coming in .." then he could have saved hundreds of thousands of American lives, preventyed or minimized the sharpest economic contraction since the Great Depression and avoided setiing a record unemployment rate. Mayve, just maybe he wouldn't have suffered a life-threatening infection himself...
"...cut off oil supplies and print 4 trillion, causing global inflation..." Wrong.
Biden didn't shut down U.S. oil production. However, oil production has fallen under his tenure. In 2021, U.S. daily crude oil production was 11.19 million barrels, which was slightly below the 11.28 million per day production in 2020.
Pull out of Afghanistan in a disordered retreat,
leaving billions of dollars of military hardware and our "Allids" there to be slaughtered
not to mention 100+ american citizens
Trump had his entire 4 year admninistration to get America out of Afghanistan. He didn't, perhaps he wasn't smart enough or he wasn't tough enough to create and execute a plan. At least 60 Americans died there during his administration.
P.S. It's an Afghani war, let them fight and die for whatever... Whcih reminds me- after killing Osama bin Laden, why did America stay there? What value was there in all that? Did it prevent the taliban take over? Or did ot promote that result, a demonstrable Afghani victory against 'American imperialism'?