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"Name just one well ran democratic city?" Is that cap[ital 'D' or a lower

"Name just one well ran democratic city?" Is that cap[ital 'D' or a lower   

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 11/4/2022 1:57:07 PM  +4/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

"Name just one well ran democratic city?"


Is that a capital 'D' or a lower case 'd' as posted? It's hard to tell with a post by a TrumpeRINO frog boy- they're pretty confused by basic American American elections, politics and want to install Trump as 'president for life' to do away with elections. Let somebody else decide everything for them...

"D" as in "Democratic" administration: almost all big cities have Democratic administrations. Are those cities 'well run' because they have Democrats or are those Democrats elected by an orderly, prosperous population? That's an egg or a chicken proposition.

How about the second most violent city in America- Memphis TN? Republican.

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CAN YOU +1/-4 Old Guy 11/4/2022 12:04:22 PM