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"Really" You misunderstand or misrepresent the statistics you post.

"Really" You misunderstand or misrepresent the statistics you post.  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 10/16/2022 7:39:15 PM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

 You misunderstand or misrepresent the statistics you post, based on this site?:

The Numbers Are In: Red States Are Winning

Spectator World July 8, 2022

People are moving away from California and into Florida and Texas

Americans are voting with their feet and the results are in: red states are winning.

An incredible 46 million people moved to a new ZIP code over the year to February 2022, the highest annual total since Equifax, a credit agency, began tracking moves in 2010. Republican-leaning red states gained the most residents — led by Florida, Texas, and North Carolina — while the blue states of California, New York, and Illinois were the biggest migratory losers.


46 million people moved, true. But they didn't all  move from blue to red states. "Republican-leaning red states gained the most residents" but not all as you allege.

There's more to the migration than red or blue administrations- MOST of the red states that are d3stinations are in the Sun Belt. People are moving away from harsh winter seasons to sunnier climes. The exception is obvious, California- the fufth largest economy in the world. With all the problems that brings with not being a sovereign nation.

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One positive thing about COVID-19 +4/-3 Old Guy 10/15/2022 10:45:17 AM