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"Roevember surprise?"

"Roevember surprise?"   

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 10/11/2022 10:23:52 PM  +1/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

"LGBTQ+ rights at risk"

How do you figure? That's what CNN tells you.. Defend that point if you can.

And what you need to realize, the Bidrn economic disaster completly overshadows anything and everything you fear in the minds of the average voter-- the "average voter" doesn't abort their children, isn't gay, doesn't follow politics closely, and doesn't foolishly imagine politics will save him.

He does realize inflation is tied to the "great reset" orchestrated by billionares and corporate/ government collusion.

He does realize inflation is taxing the poor and middle class induely, because of powers beyondd his political control ( and vote) 

When he votes next month, it will be a vote of no confidence against leftists and everything they stand for.. if that somehow "threatens" the LGBTQ agenda  -- well, it may be because they have tied all their hopes to a false  political platform -- one destined to collapse under the weight of corruption in Washington and those who want to steal not only their vote, but their country and childrens prosperity.

you sir, are a 

useful idiot.


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Roevember surprise? +3/-0 bladeslap 10/11/2022 12:32:02 PM