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"To crow" can we get rid of Federal Reserve? In order to End the Fed, the C

"To crow" can we get rid of Federal Reserve? In order to End the Fed, the C  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 9/7/2022 11:26:02 PM  +2/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Not me. 

But as I said,

no one has built a "better mousetrap" to contain human evil.

But go back to reading your Neocon masters, Crowbot

They believe in creating "Noble Lies"

and they pay you to do the same--

Dont they?

whats "noble" about that? 

useful idiot! 



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To crow +4/-2 Old Guy 9/7/2022 12:26:16 PM