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"Biden Polls" Take a look at's weighted polls.

"Biden Polls" Take a look at's weighted polls.  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 8/23/2022 1:58:12 PM  +4/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Latest report by Rasmussen - 

Biden Approval 47%

Disapproaval    52%


Take a look at's  weighted polls and copmparisons with POTUS back to Truman. President Biden started his presidency with fairly typical popularity but it faded over the next 6 months. That, too, is also typical but he has not been able to significantly reverse the trend. His favorability started higher than Trump's but after his first year it's been remarkably similar.

The green lines reflect Biden's polling.


That's an all inclusive poll. The numbers move closer when polling 'likely or registered voters' and the gap widens when polling 'adults'.


If the anticipated recession/contraction significantly impacts Americans, Biden will feel the heat as much as Trump did for the 2020 economic issues.

Biden beat Trump with a majority of the popular vote incuded, something Trump never had. Trump's 2020 ballot count did improve on 2016, up from 46.1% to 46.9%, a raw number increase of 11 million ballots.

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Biden Polls +5/-0 bladeslap 8/22/2022 2:13:10 PM